[PyQt] pyqtdeploy (win32): generated console exe crashes with LookupError: unknown encoding

Marius Shekow marius.shekow at fit.fraunhofer.de
Mon Nov 9 19:11:39 GMT 2015


I'm on Windows 8 and I'm trying to get my Python 3 PyQt application 
working as a redistributable executable. I've been able to create the 
exe file using pyqtdeploy successfully. I'm using sip and PyQt 5.5.1 as 
static builds, Qt and Python 3.4.3 as dynamic builds. I'm using MSVS 
2012 for compilation.

When I start the executable (and the console option in pyqtdeploy is 
disabled), simply nothing happens (no window is shown and I don't know 
how to get debug output in this case). That's why I enabled the console 
option in pyqtdeploy. However, then the exe file always immediately 
crashes with the following error:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
LookupError: unknown encoding: cp850

Please note that it doesn't matter whether I chcp the code page to 
something else (in particular 65001, which doesn't work either, I'll 
just get "LookupError: unknown encoding: cp65001").

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Marius Shekow
Marius Shekow
Mixed and Augmented Reality Solutions, Fraunhofer FIT
Tel.: +49 (0)2241 - 14-2184

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