[PyQt] MacOS X App bundle doesn't start, but binary works

Marius Shekow marius.shekow at fit.fraunhofer.de
Thu Nov 12 16:09:42 GMT 2015


We've finally managed to get a PyQt5 application as a redistributable 
bundle on Mac OS X (statically compiled Python 3.4.3 with OpenSSL/Zlib, 
SIP and PyQt5, with the unmodified dynamic version of Qt 5.5.1). I 
checked the "Application bundle (OS X)" option and I also executed Qt's 
"macdeployqt" tool on the resulting app bundle (it seems to have done 
its work correctly).

On my development machine I can successfully run the app (double click 
on the .app file), even if I move my statically compiled Python3 (or the 
Qt5.5.1 installation dir) somewhere else.

However, on a different Macbook, which is "clean", the app bundle won't 
start. I can just briefly see the icon of the bundle appear at the 
bottom of the screen, but it disappears immediately. However, I am able 
to successfully start the app if I go into the 
application.app/Contents/MacOs/ dir and launch the binary directly.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Best regards,
Marius Shekow
Marius Shekow
Mixed and Augmented Reality Solutions, Fraunhofer FIT
Tel.: +49 (0)2241 - 14-2184

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