[PyQt] qgraphicsview proxy widdget zooming

oliver oliver.schoenborn at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 21:46:40 GMT 2015

We have a qgraphicsview/scene in PyQt 5.3, the scene contains widgets via
QGraphicsProxyWidget. We implement zoom by via QGraphicsView.centerOn and
setSceneRect methods.

However when we zoom out, the QLabel and QTextView are harder to read than
they should be, for example if we zoom out by a similar proportion in, say,
MS Excel. I realize the rendering context and process is very different but
I was wondering if there is anything we could do to improve that
(anti-aliasing on, some other rendering mode flags, or even a different
approach than using the proxy widget)? The qsciscintilla text box is
particular bad, the text render so badly as soon as we zoom out a bit that
we are going to have to replace it with a regular rich text box.

Any hints appreciated.

Open Source contributions: PyPubSub <http://pubsub.sf.net/>, Lua-iCxx
<http://lua-icxx.sf.net/>, iof <http://iof.sf.net/>
StackOverflow <http://stackoverflow.com/users/869951/schollii> contributions
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