[PyQt] Playing an ogg file with QtMultimedia?

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 07:56:33 BST 2015

How does one go about playing a .ogg file? I have not managed to figure 
out how to play a sound using the QtMultimedia module yet.
I have tried:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget
from PyQt5 import QtMultimedia
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl

class Window(QWidget):
     def __init__(self):
         #These are what I have tried:
         self.sound = QtMultimedia.QSoundEffect("sounds/my_sound.ogg", self)
         self.sound = QtMultimedia.QAudio('sounds/my_sound.ogg'
         self.sound = 
         self.sound = QtMultimedia.QAudio(source="sounds/my_sound.ogg")
         self.sound = 


But nothing seems to work. There doesn't seem to be any clear 
documentation that I can find, so I am wondering if anyone can point me 
in the right direction? I have pored over the C++ API, 
<http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtmultimedia-audio.html>but I can hardly make 
heads or tails of what it is trying to say.
I don't think I am understanding how to load a QtResource.
Thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>
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