[PyQt] Playing an ogg file with QtMultimedia?

Rembrand (daxLAB Limitted) rembrand at daxlab.com
Wed Sep 9 15:07:48 BST 2015


Did you try to play the same .ogg file with another (external) player? 
I did play multimedia files on Linux with QtMultimedia succesfully  but I have to check and see if it was .ogg (I believe I did). I also used the fromLocalFile option for that to be sure. I'm not sure but I think  that I read  that spaces inside the path to the codecs can cause problems.
Best regards,Rembrand
Cell phone: +31 646.224.526Email: rembrand at daxlab.comSent from my smart phone.

-------- Original message --------
From: pyqt-request at riverbankcomputing.com 
Date: 09/09/2015  13:00  (GMT+01:00) 
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com 
Subject: PyQt Digest, Vol 134, Issue 9 

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Today's Topics:

   1. Usage of active-x based camera viewer components (Carl Wolff)
   2. Re: Playing an ogg file with QtMultimedia? (Brandon Keith Biggs)
   3. Return type Qlist<QModelIndex> is ignored because it is
      unknown to PythonQt (Saeed Mahdizadeh Bakhshmand)
   4. Re: Return type Qlist<QModelIndex> is ignored because it is
      unknown to PythonQt (Florian Bruhin)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 21:36:39 +0200
From: Carl Wolff <carl at wolff-online.nl>
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: [PyQt] Usage of active-x based camera viewer components
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Hello Group members

If I have an com / active-x based camera viewer library (in order to create
a viewing pane in my pyqt based application) can I use qaxcontainer for

What are the pitfalls and things to be careful with?

Are there limitations?

Best regards
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 21:52:24 +0200
From: Brandon Keith Biggs <brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com>
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: Re: [PyQt] Playing an ogg file with QtMultimedia?
Message-ID: <55EF3C78.3060305 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

> I get:
> "Unsupported media type."
> as the error.
> I found:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15043620/cant-play-ogg-and-flac
> and installed the codecs from:
> http://www.xiph.org/dshow/
> I just ran the binary installer installing them into:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Xiph.Org\Open Codecs\x64
> But I am still getting the unsupported media type.
> Thank you,
> Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>
> On 9/4/2015 9:56 AM, Florian Bruhin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> (also Cc-ing the list again as I don't think it was intended to send
>> this off-list)
>> * Brandon Keith Biggs<brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com>  [2015-09-04 09:31:41 +0200]:
>>> Here is what I have, but it is silent and there is no error:
>>>          self.player = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer(self)
>>>          self.s = QtMultimedia.QMediaContent(QUrl("sounds/my_sound.ogg"))
>> This should probably be QUrl.fromLocalFile(...) instead.
>>>          self.player.setMedia(self.s)
>>>          self.player.play()
>>> Could there be some kind of dll that I need to put in my PyQt5 dir?
>> If a DLL was missing, Qt would probably terminate/abort.
>> Some things to check:
>> - .error()/.errorString()
>> - .volume() (in the example they do .setVolume(50))
>> Florian

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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 17:51:45 -0400
From: Saeed Mahdizadeh Bakhshmand <saeedbakhshmand at gmail.com>
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: [PyQt] Return type Qlist<QModelIndex> is ignored because it
	is	unknown to PythonQt
	<CAGdd0Q7Q7u4+yuagqUOo=6PAS+DzXJ4CZ=ASpc0y6sLS2UhJLA at mail.gmail.com>
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Hello All,

I am trying to obtain a list (indices) of selected cells in a QTableView
using this script (in 3D slicer interface):

table = qt.QTableView()
#setup of the table and adding models and items etc.
select = table.selectionModel()
index = select.selectedIndexes()

and I get this error:

File "<console>", line 1, in <module>

ValueError: Called QList<QModelIndex> selectedRows(), return type
'QList<QModelIndex>' is ignored because it is unknown to PythonQt. Probably
you should register it using qRegisterMetaType() or add a default
constructor decorator to the class.

Any hint on which way is better and how can I register an unknown type in


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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 06:22:12 +0200
From: Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org>
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: Re: [PyQt] Return type Qlist<QModelIndex> is ignored because
	it is unknown to PythonQt
Message-ID: <20150909042212.GW18577 at tonks>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

* Saeed Mahdizadeh Bakhshmand <saeedbakhshmand at gmail.com> [2015-09-08 17:51:45 -0400]:
> Any hint on which way is better and how can I register an unknown type in
> PythonQt?

PythonQt != PyQt ;)


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