[PyQt] PyQt5.5.1

Simon Dible simon.dible at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 23:23:06 BST 2015


I'm just playing around with building pyqt for android target from a
windows host. I have created a .ui based QMainWindow application, that has
a menu bar a few buttons and a few labels with pixmaps setup, and uses
bluetooth low energy. I have the graphics specified as filesystem paths
instead of resources as suggested on
pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/pyqtdeploy/pyrcc.html  On windows and linux the
graphics load fine, but on android they don't appear to load, but the
application works jsut fine.

The code for my icons is
root = QtCore.QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath()
icon = QtGui.QIcon()
icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(_root + "/resources/ic_launcher.png"),
QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)


self.movie = QtGui.QMovie(_root + "/resources/animation.gif");

I tried using QFileInfo to list the path to the path to the files and they
are there. The path is :/resources/animation.gif

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong or what else I could try?

Is there anyway to debug the python code when its running on android, or do
I just have to use linux and hope it just works (other than print


p.s. pyqtdeploy needs an option for specifying the spec file to use with
qmake when its building a static pyqt5,  the same as sip already has, by
default it wanted to use msvc-2010 on me when I have win32-g++, took me a
while to work around that one.

Thanks again, great product!
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