[PyQt] How are template methods supposed to work?

Shaheed Haque srhaque at theiet.org
Sat Apr 9 17:01:15 BST 2016


I'm having some trouble trying to wrap KDE's KF5 libraries in the area
of template support using SIP 4.16.9. For example, the following test
case results in a syntax error:

%Module test_template

class MyClass
    template <typename T>  // line 6
    int mymethod();

$ sip test_template.sip
sip: test_template.sip:6: syntax error

I've poked around PyQt4, PyQt5 and PyKDE4, and though I see a
scattering of templated classes, I don't see any templated methods.
The docs (and the parser.y, if I am reading it right) do suggest that
this should work. What am I missing? Does SIP really support templates

Now I confess to being a little unclear what the Pythonic
representation of such a thing might be, and if SIP does not support
this, any suggestions on how to approach this kind of problem would be

Thanks, Shaheed

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