[PyQt] Scripted selection of items in QTableView

Saeed Bakhshmand saeedbakhshmand at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 20:25:25 BST 2016

Hello Experts,

Here is a part of my code:
b= qt.QTableView()
model = qt.QStandardItemModel()
# ....set up of table with importing data for the items of the model

I easily can access to the indices of the manually selected (clicked) items
by sel_mode = b.selectionModel() and sel_mode.selectedIndexes().
I am wondering if I can somehow import a default set of selected items in
the table using a python command? In this way a group of per-determined
cells in the table will be selected prior to user's interactions.
b.setSelection() seems the right choice but I am not sure. Would appreciate
any hints.

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