[PyQt] pyqtdeploy and Python 2.7

Jérôme Godbout jerome at bodycad.com
Fri Mar 4 20:08:57 GMT 2016

is there a way to install pyqtdeploy for python 2.7 and PyQt 5, we are
using some module that are Python 2.7 only inside the application.

   - We are under Windows.
   - We are currently using py2exe but this is a mess and seem to have some
   problems with some dev environment and the packaging failed some time (the
   exe is generate but the exe complain some lib cannot be load but the PATH
   and .dll, pyc, .pyd all seem ok). The result only work on the same Windows
   version (build on 8.1 does work on 7 and vise versa) for some reason, still
   haven't figure out why? The application run well before the packaging with
   py2exe on all env.
   - We have a custom build of Qt5, sip and PyQt 5.

I was wondering if we could build our own pyqtdeploy inside Python 2.7.

We are only trying to call a few functions and module from Qml into python
and get the results out from it. I was wondering if anyone have any
experience with PythonQt, PySide, PyOtherSide, etc.. maybe one is better
suited for our need. This could be more suitable for our usage then a full
Python application that launch some Qml. I would ratter use our C++
application and call some function into python instead and keep our whole
dev env of C++/Qt/Qml.

Good work with PyQt5 and sip by the way, work well for what it does.

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