[PyQt] QString.normalized()

Timothy W. Grove tim_grove at sil.org
Sun Nov 6 14:35:57 GMT 2016

Sorry. meant to reply to the list also. See below...

On 05/11/2016 13:31, VA wrote:
> Le 05.11.2016 14:25, Timothy W. Grove a écrit :
>> I've tried that suggestion before, but it just doesn't do the job, at
>> least not with the Myanmar text I was testing.
> Can you provide the sample so we can test it? (Also tell us what is 
> wrong exactly)

unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', 'ဖုိ') and unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', 
'ဖို') should both yield 'ဖို' if it was working for Myanmar. Switching 
to the Myanmar-QWERTY keyboard in Windows, I type the first with 'z+k+d' 
(incorrect) and the second with 'z+d+k' (correct). A lot more info about 
Myanmar and Unicode at http://www.unicode.org/notes/tn11/UTN11_4.pdf.

Best regards,

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