[PyQt] acces to object in different class

lucaberto at libero.it lucaberto at libero.it
Thu Nov 17 16:58:25 GMT 2016

Hello i'm using eric as ide and i have two classclass Form(QWidget, Ui_Form):    """    Class documentation goes here.    """    def __init__(self, parent=None):        """        Constructor                @param parent reference to the parent widget        @type QWidget        """        super(Form,  self).__init__(parent)        self.setupUi(self)        self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0)        combo = QComboBox()        self.disegno = Cornice(Form)

     def on_pushButton_7_clicked(self):        """        Slot documentation goes here.        """        # TODO: not implemented yet        #raise NotImplementedError        self.lista_dati_prova = [........]        lista_dati = self.dati_prova        self.lineEdit.setText('test')        self.disegno.cornice(lista_dati)

class Cornice():        def __init__(self, parent=None):        """        Constructor                @param parent reference to the parent widget        @type QWidget        """        lista_dati = []

    def cornice(self, lista_dati):        import math        freqfinale = lista_dati[0]        spostamento = lista_dati[2]        nome_cal = self.lineEdit.text()

How i can access to self.lineEdit without passing parameter from the class Form and without using signal, but asking directly from Cornice class?


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