[PyQt] trouble with splash screen on Windows 10

Steve Waterbury waterbug at pangalactic.us
Fri Sep 9 17:52:49 BST 2016

I have been unsuccessful getting a splash screen
to work on Windows 10.  I have two implementations,
one that subclasses QSplashScreen and one using
essentially the same code but subclassing QWidget.
Both of them work on either Linux or Windows 7;
neither works on Windows 10.

I've attached the code -- to run, it takes a single
argument that is the path to an image file.
To run it with the other class, change the
class used in the show_splash() function.

I'd prefer to get the one derived from QSplashScreen
working because it inherits the finish() method,
which is great and I haven't figured out how to
implement that for the QWidget-based one.

TIA for any help!

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