[PyQt] about pyqtdelpoy and other packages

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Sep 16 17:48:46 BST 2016

On 16 Sep 2016, at 5:17 pm, wengo <dada20042030 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi phil,
> so pyqtdelpoy can't be like py2exe just build a standalone executables
> without python34.dll?

Yes it can - but you have to build a static version of Python yourself (rather than using the "system" version).

I agree that py2exe (if I understand it correctly) makes it easier when you just want to pass a single .exe to your users. However most of the time you will be using some other packaging tool to create a single installable from your .exe, documentation, shortcuts etc. Including the Python DLL and extension modules in that installable is straightforward.


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