[PyQt] PyQt5 application hanging inexplicably

James Ross-Smith jars121 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 23:14:50 BST 2017

Good morning all,

My PyQt5 application (Qt 5.9.0 with Python 3.6.2) is running quite nicely
on my embedded device (Raspberry Pi 2), but hangs inexplicably after a
seemingly random period of time (sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes 2+ hours).
I.e. all GUI elements are updating and responsive and then the entire
window pauses (all GUI elements stop changing). When running the
application via SSH on my development machine, I can 'Ctrl C' out of the
Python interpreter normally, so it doesn't appear that the application
itself has frozen.

I replaced some of my QLabel elements with CPU, memory and thread metrics
to monitor if I had runaway threads, or I was consuming all the available
RAM. As it turns out, memory allocation was stable at 16%
(psutil.virtual_memory()), CPU utilisation was stable at ~35%
(psutil.cpu_percent()) and the number of threads was constant at 2

What else could I be missing here?


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