[PyQt] Type map for python to Qt?

Russell Warren russ at perspexis.com
Thu Feb 2 12:39:52 GMT 2017

Is there a table somewhere that indicates how PyQt handles mapping between
python types to Qt/C++ types? I can't find one.

Introspecting a random selection of some python types is extremely

>>> from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant
>>> import datetime
>>> dt = datetime.datetime(2017,1,1)
>>> for x in ("a", b"b", 1, 1.1, [], [1], (1,), {}, {'a': 1}, {1:2}, None,
True, set(), dt):
...   print("%-20r : %s" % (x, QVariant(x).typeName()))
'a'                  : QString
b'b'                 : PyQt_PyObject
1                    : int
1.1                  : double
[]                   : QVariantList
[1]                  : QVariantList
(1,)                 : PyQt_PyObject
{}                   : QVariantMap
{'a': 1}             : QVariantMap
{1: 2}               : PyQt_PyObject
None                 : None
True                 : bool
set()                : PyQt_PyObject
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0) : PyQt_PyObject

Does that table exist anywhere?

Also of interest (not a bug report or complaint) is the apparent lack of
automatic type conversion for bytes, tuples, and datetimes, as well as the
recognition of non-string dict keys.
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