[PyQt] Possible small bug in docstring generation

Shaheed Haque srhaque at theiet.org
Mon Mar 20 19:50:28 GMT 2017

Hi Phil,

With sip 4.18.1, I noticed this function:

KMIME_EXPORT bool parseGenericQuotedString(const char *&scursor,
        const char *const send,
        QString &result, bool isCRLF,
        const char openChar = '"',
        const char closeChar = '"');

ends up generating a docstring as follows, which of course is missing
any escaping of the quotes...

"parseGenericQuotedString(str, str, str, bool, str = '"', str = '"')
-> bool");

I'm not sure if this is fixed in a more recent release, but I thought
it worth mentioning...

Thanks, Shaheed

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