[PyQt] Query on signature of %VirtualCatcherCode

Shaheed Haque srhaque at theiet.org
Thu May 4 09:00:36 BST 2017


I am trying to generate the correct SIP %VirtualCatcherCode for this method:

    Syndication::SpecificDocumentPtr parse(
        const Syndication::DocumentSource &source) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;

At present the SIP looks like this:

    virtual Syndication::SpecificDocument *parse(const
Syndication::DocumentSource &source) const
        [QSharedPointer<Syndication::SpecificDocument> (const
Syndication::DocumentSource &source)];

And SIP generates the following prototype for the virtual catcher code:

sipVH_Atom_0(sip_gilstate_t sipGILState, sipVirtErrorHandlerFunc
sipErrorHandler, sipSimpleWrapper *sipPySelf, PyObject *sipMethod,
const Syndication::DocumentSource& a0)
    QSharedPointer<Syndication::SpecificDocument> sipRes = 0;
    int sipIsErr = 0;

The C++ compiler, not unreasonably, complains about the initialisation
of sipRes with an integer 0. Now, I suspect the real culprit here is
the QSharedPointer. AFAIK, this (and its various related classes) has
no direct representation in PyQt5; this is reflected in the use of the
dual-signature Python-versus-C++ facility in SIP and the %MethodCode I

I'm just trying to figure out what I need to write in my
%VirtualCatcherCode, but it is not clear to me how to handle this
error. Have I misunderstood the SIP dual-signature thing as it applies
in this case?

Any insights gratefully received.

Thanks, Shaheed

P.S. FWIW, this is with SIP 4.18.1 on Ubuntu.

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