[PyQt] PyQt5.QtQuick and PyQt5.QtQml not found

Chih-Hsuan Huang chhuang215 at gmail.com
Sat May 20 08:27:51 BST 2017

We are working with PyQt5 on Raspberry Pi and eventually build and install
from source since the APT only deliver older versions of Qt5 and PyQt5.

Therefore, we have compiled and installed our own Python3.6 and PyQt5.8.
Qt5 is still installed through apt-get.

PyQt5.QtQuick and various of the qml modules can be imported with no
problem with the older version installed through apt-get.

However, it seems like these modules are missing in the new version
(PyQt5.8) which I have compiled and installed with.

Our team is trying to be consistent with all development environment
running under the same version to avoid future errors. So far we haven't
encountered issues yet with codes running on both PyQt5.8 (Our own
machines) and PyQt5.3(RPi). There were some performance issues but we think
it's the limitation of RPi's hardware.

Is there a way to resolve this issue? I did not find anywhere to include
the QtQuick module into the build source.

Thanks for any feedback.
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