[PyQt] PyQt5 for Python 2.7 on Windows 10

Nathan Warmerdam nbwarmerdam at integrated-informatics.com
Wed May 31 01:30:33 BST 2017

Hello All,

I have built (with commercial license) PyQt5 for python 2.7.  I used VS 2015 and packaged my build with what I believe to be the appropriate windows redistributables.

With the resulting build I have had success getting it to run on an independent (i.e. not the build machine) Windows 8.1 machine.

However when attempting to get it to run on a Windows 10 I have run into the dreaded:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “windows”

This is usually a sign that the qt.conf is bad but why would it work on Windows 8 but not Windows 10?  Furthermore it does not work even if I put a qt.conf file right next to the python.exe.

I have followed the file structure used by Phil in the Python 3 version of PyQt5 (e.g. PyQt5\Qt\bin and PyQt5\plugins, etc) and modified the __init__.py file to set various environment variables.  Like this:

import os
import sys
dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__)

_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '\\Qt\\bin;' + os.environ['PATH']
os.environ['PATH'] = _path

os.environ['QML_IMPORT_PATH'] = os.path.join(dir_name, 'Qt', 'qml')
os.environ['QML2_IMPORT_PATH'] = os.path.join(dir_name, 'Qt', 'qml')

os.environ['QT_PLUGIN_PATH'] = os.path.join(dir_name, 'Qt', 'plugins')

os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = os.path.join(dir_name, 'Qt', 'plugins', 'platforms')

However the message persists.

As I said, it works on independent Windows 8.1 machines but not with Windows 10.  Does anyone have any tips or experience or success with PyQt5 for python 2.7 on Windows 10?

With respect,
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