[PyQt] PyQtDeploy Sysroot issues

Kevin Kelly kevin.kelly at sydaptic.com
Tue Apr 10 14:41:02 BST 2018

>> Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?

>So, the same as your original problem, not using the correct command shell.

You would think so but I was using the MSVC command shell from the Visual Studio 2015.

>> Qt5WinExtras.lib(Qt5WinExtras.dll) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86'

>As it says, you are trying to compile a 32-bit executable using 64-bit libraries. Again, are you using the correct command shell?

I hear what you're saying but I am using the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017" which I thought should work.  In VS2017 there are also some Native x86 and x64 command shells that I will try.


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