[PyQt] why use the non-gui Qt classes in Python

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Fri Aug 17 17:04:43 BST 2018

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 11:59:17AM -0400, Christopher Probst wrote:
> Beyond signals and slots, is there any advantage in using the non-GUI Qt
> classes in a PyQt application. Why would I use QSQLDatabase, the network
> module if Python offers it already?

There are sometimes reasons - some examples:

- In general, things being async, i.e. not blocking your GUI (QProcess,
  networking, QSerial vs. PySerial, etc.)
- QSqlDatabase because you want to show it in a QTableView
- Better integration with Qt in general (e.g. QThread)
- Some functionality which is just nicer in Qt (QUrl vs. a urllib.parse
- Some functionality which doesn't exist in Python

Often, the main drawback is the more complex error handling, as you get
manual error checks instead of exceptions.


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