[PyQt] Unable to connect an QAxObject signal because of IDispatch type

Neville Mehta neville at jemoody.com
Sat Mar 10 08:05:36 GMT 2018

The following code:

Ax = QAxObject('XTAPI.TTInstrNotify')

breaks with the message:

TypeError: C++ type 'IDispatch*' is not supported as a signal argument type

because Ax.generateDocumentation() says:

void OnNotifyFound (IDispatch* pNotify, IDispatch* pInstr) [signal]
Connect a slot to this signal:
QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnNotifyFound(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)),
receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

Is there any way to connect this signal to a Python method using the new
style? (This works with win32com, but I'd much rather use PyQt5!)

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