[PyQt] Bug found in pyqtdeploy 2.3

José Antonio Fernández Fernández aullasistemas at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 12:46:20 GMT 2018

Hi all. I found a bug in the last release 2.3.

In the file pyqtdeploy / sysroot / plugins / python / python.py: 407,
the variable cls is referenced, but it does not exist:

    def _major_minor_as_string (sysroot):
        "" "Return the Python major.minor as a string." ""

        major, minor = cls._major_minor (sysroot)

        return str (major) + '.' + str (minor)

I have solved it like this:

    def _major_minor_as_string (sysroot):
        "" "Return the Python major.minor as a string." ""

        major, minor, _ = sysroot.decode_version_nr (

I hope to be helpful. regards

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