[PyQt] uic triggering DeprecationWarning for 'U' universal newlines mode

Kyle Altendorf sda at fstab.net
Thu Oct 25 21:41:41 BST 2018


I'm getting a bunch of deprecation warnings from uic.  Could we remove 
the 'U' specification for open()?


DeprecationWarning: 'U' mode is deprecated
   plugin = open(filename, 'rU')

> Deprecated since version 3.4, will be removed in version 4.0: The 'U' 
> mode.

My impression is that this is likely a carry-over from py2 and that in 
py3 it's default and controlled by the newline parameter to open() 
anyways.  I forget where PyQt5 stands at the moment on py2 support but 
even if that's still required something like the following shouldn't be 
too intrusive.

   plugin = open(filename, 'r' if sys.version_info >= (3,) else 'rU')

Thanks for any consideration.  For now I'll filter them.



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