[PyQt] Availability of Older Versions

Dark Penguin darkpenguin at yandex.com
Tue Mar 26 14:52:41 GMT 2019

> It's easy enough to add older older versions - but I'd need a convincing argument to do so.

I would say the obvious arguments are:

- "Just in case" if someone needs it for some corner case
- Especially considering that older Python support is about to be
dropped. There may be more "corner cases", maybe "not recommended and
not supported", but easily solvable by simply not deleting old sources.

I understand and agree that those are not very "convincing", however I
would consider the opposite: is there any reason to delete the old
sources?.. Any reason that would overweight those obvious arguments, so
"to encourage people to use the latest version" does not count.

I would suggest removing them from the website to keep the website
"clean" and to encourage people to use the latest version, but keeping
them somewhere else, with a small link on the website - "Very old
versions (do not use!)".


Oh, I see that the sources are available on Github, with tags for all
the old versions. Then there is no need to keep the archives, but it
would make sense to add a link to the Github page.


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