[PyQt] PyQt 5.13.2 build error: module 'sipbuild.api' has no attribute ‘prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel'

FX fxcoudert at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 10:44:22 GMT 2019

Dear Phil,

> The real exception is the traceback starting at line 1499. This implies that 'make install' is failing but pip discards the relevant information.
> I'd suggest using sip-install, as the docs state, at least while you work out what the problem is.

Many thanks. I indeed saw in the doc that "The recommended method of building PyQt5 from source is to unpack the sdist and use SIP’s sip-install program.” but there is no example given on how “sip-install” should be used. Could your provide a link to detailed steps of how this should be done?


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