[PyQt] DeprecationWarning using TextAlignmentRole in a QStandardItem subclass
Sibylle Koczian
nulla.epistola at web.de
Sat Jan 18 12:15:40 GMT 2020
If I execute the following script I get this warning:
Warning (from warnings module):
File "D:\Sibylle\Src\PythonVersuche\PyQt\test_warning.py", line 77
DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type Alignment).
Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is deprecated, and may be
removed in a future version of Python.
The script works as expected, but of course I want to know what is
happening here. The warning doesn't appear if I comment out the data()
method of the model class, and it doesn't appear if I run the script
with test_model() instead of main(). I suppose in that second case the
TextAlignmentRole is not used, right?
I tried to google the warning but got only some entries about the same
sort of warning in numpy regarding conversions from float to int.
Python version is 3.8.1, PyQt5 is version 5.14.1 on windows 10, same
versions on ArchLinux.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# test_warning.py
# Example for DeprecationWarning
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
NUMERALS = [(1, "one"), (7, "seven"), (34, "thirty-four"),
(108, "one hundred and eight")]
class NumeralModel(QtGui.QStandardItemModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super().__init__(0, 2, parent)
self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Number", "Text"])
def data(self, index, role):
Number columns should be right-aligned.
if role == QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
col = index.column()
if col == 0:
h_align = QtCore.Qt.AlignRight
h_align = QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft
return h_align | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter
return super().data(index, role)
def import_data(self, data):
self.removeRows(0, self.rowCount())
for (number, word) in data:
number_item = QtGui.QStandardItem()
number_item.setData(number, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
word_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(word)
self.appendRow([number_item, word_item])
def show_data(self):
for row in range(self.rowCount()):
number_data = self.item(row, 0).data(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
word_data = self.item(row, 1).data(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
print(f"{number_data} = {word_data}")
class NumeralsMW(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.model = NumeralModel(self)
mainwidget = self.create_mainwidget()
def create_mainwidget(self):
self.view = QtWidgets.QTableView(self)
self.btClose = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Fertig")
mainLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
mw = QtWidgets.QWidget()
return mw
def test_model(args):
app = QtCore.QCoreApplication(args)
model = NumeralModel()
def main(args):
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(args)
mainwin = NumeralsMW()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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