Issues with QMimeData.text()

Bryce Beagle bryce.beagle at
Sat Jun 13 21:43:48 BST 2020

> Hi,
> I've changed your code:
>     def dropEvent(self, event: QDropEvent):
>         data = event.mimeData()
>         print("data.text():", data.text(), type(data.text()))
>         print("'text/plain'):", str('text/plain')),
>                type('text/plain')))
> And the result:
> data.text(): Déjà-vu <class 'str'>
>'text/plain'): b'D\xc3\xa9j\xc3\xa0-vu' <class
> 'PyQt5.QtCore.QByteArray'>
> On Ubuntu Mate, the text "Déjà-vu" is dragged from Pluma (old Gedit)
> Vincent

I apologize for being as clear as I would have liked to be in my original
email, but the issue I presented only occurs from some sources. I can
drag-and-drop perfectly fine from Gedit. Other sources, such as Chromium,
Slack, and PyCharm do not work (i.e. QMimeData.text() only returns an empty
string), even though they provide a 'text/plain' format.

Another side note, it seems strange to me that returns a
QByteArray instead of a python bytes/bytearray object.

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