import error PyQt5.QtWidgets, 32bit Python question

Elizabeth Johnson misselizabethjohnson at
Wed Nov 18 19:55:25 GMT 2020

Hi PyQt team,

Is this the appropriate place to ask this sort of question? If not, please
let me know, thank you!

I'm trying to use PyQt5.QtWidgets (on a clean VM) on a 32 bit installation
of Python (I'd be happy w/ any version of Python 3). I have successfully
gotten it to work on a 64 bit installation of Python. Specifically I have
Python 3.7.4 from WinPython that came with PyQt5 5.13.0 and PyQt5-sip
4.19.18 and it all works (i.e. when I 'import PyQt5.QtWidgets' it works).

I've found WinPython does not come with PyQt5 for their 32bit distributions
of Python, except for this one I found with Python 3.5 from a few years

Even using that WinPython installation I've run into this error:
>>> import PyQt5.QtWidgets
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

I've also tried just installing Python 3.7.4 directly and pip installing
PyQt5 (same error, no success) and then trying to specifically install the
PyQt5 version I mentioned above (still same error, no success).

Is there a reason PyQt5 would be incompatible w/ 32bit Python? Thank you!!

-Elizabeth Johnson
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