PyQt6: QPropertyAnimation.setEasingCurve raises a SystemError

Phil Thompson phil at
Thu Apr 22 09:26:50 BST 2021

On 22/04/2021 08:39, Ales Erjavec wrote:
> Hi,
> Calling QPropertyAnimation.setEasingCurve with a QEasingCurve.Type
> raises a SystemError:
> ```
> from PyQt6.QtCore import QPropertyAnimation, QEasingCurve
> anim = QPropertyAnimation()
> anim.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.Type.OutQuad)
> ```
> According to
> this should work although Qt6 does not have this overload (was this
> generated based on implicit QEasingCurve constructor?)
> Windows 10
> Python 3.8.8
> PyQt6 6.1.0.dev2104191430

Should be fixed in the next snapshot.


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