PyQt6: QBoxLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag) raises TypeError

Phil Thompson phil at
Mon Apr 26 10:40:17 BST 2021

On 26/04/2021 10:03, Ales Erjavec wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to set an alignment on a QBoxLayout raises a TypeError:
> ```
> from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
> from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QHBoxLayout
> app = QApplication([])
> lay = QHBoxLayout()
> lay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft)   # << error
> ```
> The error:
> ```
> TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
>   setAlignment(self, QWidget, Qt.AlignmentFlag): argument 1 has
> unexpected type 'AlignmentFlag'
>   setAlignment(self, QLayout, Qt.AlignmentFlag): argument 1 has
> unexpected type 'AlignmentFlag'
> ```
> The two listed overloads are from QLayout implementation but the
> intended call is for
> the base QLayoutItem.setAlignment.
> In PyQt5 this worked as evident by the QHBoxLayout.setAlignment 
> docstring:
> ```
> setAlignment(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) -> 
> bool
> setAlignment(self, QLayout, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) -> 
> bool
> setAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])
> ```

Fixed in the next snapshot.


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