
Rodrigo de Salvo Braz rodrigobraz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 15:11:20 GMT 2021


I'm reading Martin Fitzpatrick's book on PyQt and came across this example
which includes a signal indexed by the function str:

widget = QSpinBox()

I have a few questions:

Q1. Why not have a signal named textChanged instead? That would match Qt's
reference <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qspinbox.html>. And I guess it would look
more usual.
Q2. Can other functions or types be used as index too, or just str?
Q2. How could I have figured how to use this from PyQt's reference or Qt's
reference by myself (if I had not seen the example in the book)? PyQt's
indicates two signals, valueChanged(int) and valueChanged(str). Is there
some kind of convention that would allow me to understand how to use
valueChanged[str] from these documentation descriptions?

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