Unable to install PyQt6 using third party helpers (poetry, pipenv)

Ludovic Bellière belliere.ludovic at proximus.be
Sun Jan 17 02:14:10 GMT 2021

Sorry, I wasn't very explicit. Poetry does install the dependencies, as
they are present in the virtual environment, but fails to install PyQt6
itself. Same goes for pipenv.

Poetry is a dependency manager, helps with dealing with multiple python
versions or environments, can help building your wheels too. I'm fairly
new to using poetry, so I invite you to read their own words:

From what I can observe, poetry uses a local repository to install
packages in your virtual environment. pip freeze will show that the
packages are installed from wheels instead of referencing their
versions. But again, I'm just discovering the tool.

On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 20:44:47 -0500
Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org> wrote:
> I recommend submitting a bug report to poetry asking why it
> apparently is not installing the build-system.requires before
> invoking pip install --no-deps.
> For bonus points, poetry could try to be useful software -- that is
> to say, it could try installing things itself, rather than claiming
> to be an installer tool but then, apparently, just... running pip
> install? Rather confusing, I must say. What is poetry adding here?
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