Windows 10 - QTableView dows not paint BackGround Color

Frederico Carlos Wilhelms fredcw at
Mon May 17 21:42:31 BST 2021

Affects:: PyQt5
Python: 3.9
Windows 10 Pro 32bits

Platform: Windows and Widgets

ONLY on WINDOWS 8.1 / 10 ...
On Linux it works without a problem

When the table checkbox is selected/deselected
there should be a  change  of the Header color;
Even though headerData is called for BackGroundRole ,
and it is set the color does not change. Only happens on Windows

Reproducible : Always

1) What did you do?
(every  second level selection on the treeview will do)
expand first item on the treeview,
select first child of the item
-->  this will populate the tableView
** uncheck/check  any checkbox on the tableview
color of the header should turn on yellow/green
according to balance result.

Print messages do assert the fact that event is being called
on Windows

2) What do you expect?
Same behavior on Windows that happens Linux

3) What Happened instead?
Header background color remains unchanged.

Any help/advice is appreciated

Thanks in advance.,

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