PyQt6: QLocale.FloatingPointPrecisionOption should be an IntEnum

Phil Thompson phil at
Tue Feb 1 10:17:38 GMT 2022

On 31/01/2022 12:31, Ales Erjavec wrote:
> Hi,
> QLocale.FloatingPointPrecisionOption
> (
> cannot be used in PyQt6. It is specifically defined to be integer
> constants to be used in APIs taking `int precision` arguments, but in
> PyQt6 it is a plain enum and as such is is not cast-able to int.
> ```
> from PyQt6.QtCore import QLocale
> c = QLocale.c()
> print(c.toString(0.3, "f",
> QLocale.FloatingPointPrecisionOption.FloatingPointShortest))
> ```

Fixed in the next release.


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