QtWidgets.QScrollBar action is int not SliderAction enum

Barry Scott barry at barrys-emacs.org
Tue Jul 5 10:54:12 BST 2022

I have code like this:

class BemacsVerticalScrollBar(QtWidgets.QScrollBar, be_debug.EmacsDebugMixin):
    def __init__( self, panel ):
        super().__init__( QtCore.Qt.Orientation.Vertical, panel )

        self.actionTriggered.connect( self.handleActionTriggered )

    def handleActionTriggered( self, action ):
        # action is an int - convert to its enum
        action = self.SliderAction( action )
        # now can compare to the enum values
        if action == self.SliderAction.SliderSingleStepAdd:

The action param is an int and not one of the enum values from SliderAction.
Is this intended?


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