Spinning up compiled pyqt extensions

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Tue Oct 4 10:07:32 BST 2022

On 03/10/2022 22:58, Patrick Stinson wrote:
> Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, I’ve bee out of the loop for 
> a while.
> What is the preferred way to build and install a custom sip extension
> that depends on PyQt5 and Qt headers+libs so that it can be imported
> by the python exe? sip-install requires a qmake executable which
> requires separately installing qt headers+libs, but can cause symbol
> conflicts with the qt libs included in the pip-installed PyQt module.
> The goal is to understand the qt/pyqt debs required to then simply
> clone my sip modules repo, build+install it, then import it from the
> python bin.

It's not clear if you want to create .debs for your distro (depending on 
the distro provided PyQt/Qt) or wheels (depending on the PyQt/Qt wheels 
from PyPI).

Assuming the latter you (probably) need to install the targeted version 
of Qt using the on-line installer. The other PyQt projects (eg. 
PyQt6-NetworkAuth to take the smallest) are examples of what you want to 


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