Linux Mint Cinnamon - tooltip font color bug

Matic Kukovec kukovecmatic at
Wed Aug 23 23:22:00 BST 2023

Excellent, that works perfectly, thanks Maurizio 👍

Best regards
From: Maurizio Berti <maurizio.berti at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 11:47 PM
To: Matic Kukovec <kukovecmatic at>
Cc: PyQt at <pyqt at>
Subject: Re: Linux Mint Cinnamon - tooltip font color bug

Try to see if it works if you set a custom palette for QToolTip with the ToolTipText role set (and maybe other text roles) without setting the color property in the stylesheet. If it does work, then add some sort of checking for OS, style (I assume that cinnamon uses a custom style, possibly with a valid object name) and OS version so that you could eventually fix that specific target, if you want.

tipPalette = app.palette()
tipPalette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.ToolTipText, QColor('red'))

Ensure that you're not setting the color property for generic selectors (like 'QWidget { ... }')


Il giorno lun 21 ago 2023 alle ore 09:29 Matic Kukovec <kukovecmatic at<mailto:kukovecmatic at>> ha scritto:


  *   Linux Mint 21.2 - Cinnamon desktop
  *   Python 3.10
  *   PyQt 6.5.1

Note: this is an issue exclusive to Linux Mint Cinnamon.
When setting a custom stylesheet for QTooltip, the application does not respect the font. Example:
The global stylesheet is:

QTooltip {
      background: red;
      color: white;
      border: white;

and the tooltips look like this:
The font is black, but it should be white!

This is probably a Qt issue, because if the QTooltip style is removed from the stylesheet and default
OS stylesheets are used, they have the same problem as reported by this user: (the first post)

Is there a way to circumvent this in PyQt6 until this is fixed?


È difficile avere una convinzione precisa quando si parla delle ragioni del cuore. - "Sostiene Pereira", Antonio Tabucchi
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