Transferring ownership of lists of pointers

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at
Mon Feb 27 02:36:50 GMT 2023

Hi list,

I've a question regarding the correct way to transfer ownership of a list
of objects. I've searched for examples in the PyQt sip files, and the best
I can find is from QWinJumpList which indicates that a simple /Transfer/
annotation should work for transferring all the list items:

    QWinJumpListCategory *addCategory(const QString &title,
            const QList<QWinJumpListItem *> items /Transfer/ =
QList<QWinJumpListItem *>());

(from qwinjumplist.sip)

However, in my tests, just adding /Transfer/ to a list argument doesn't
correctly transfer all the ownership of these objects and I get crashes as
soon as one of the python list members gets garbage collected.

Should this work? Or is there a better/safer/"canonical" way to transfer
lists of objects in sip?

Thanks in advance,
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