Missing QEvent.Type members

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Jun 7 21:29:06 BST 2023


The following QEvent::Type members are documented in Qt6:

but absent from PyQt 6.5.1:

    QEvent::Quit = 20
    QEvent::NativeGesture = 197
    QEvent::EnterEditFocus = 150
    QEvent::LeaveEditFocus = 151

The last two require QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION defined which isn't the

I noticed the issue because I was converting event types to strings for
debugging in an event filter, and noticed 197 popping up with the issue
I'm trying to debug.

I then found the others by writing a quick throw-away script to compare
them against the C++ sources, and manually ignoring the remaining 24
undocumented/deprecated ones.

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