Wrong type annotation of pyqtSlot in PyQt5

Alexander Hedges alexander.hedges at fotokite.com
Thu Sep 21 11:01:18 BST 2023


Currently in PyQt5 (as of the latest development build) the pyqtSlot decorator
is typed as:

def pyqtSlot(*args: typing.Any, name: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
result: typing.Optional[str] = ...) -> typing.Callable[...,
typing.Optional[str]]: ...

Which is an incorrect annotation given that this function is a decorator (it
should return a function that takes a function and returns a function).

In PyQt6 this is currently correctly annotated as returning a function that
takes a function and returns a function with the same signature:

FuncT = typing.TypeVar('FuncT', bound=typing.Callable)
def pyqtSlot(*types, name: typing.Optional[str] = ..., result:
typing.Optional[str] = ...) -> typing.Callable[[FuncT], FuncT]: ...

It would be great if you could fix the stub file in PyQt5.


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