Severe issue with pyuic6 6.7.0

Phil Thompson phil at
Sat Jun 22 14:25:36 BST 2024

On 06/06/2024 16:26, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I just modified a designer form file using Qt Designer 6.7.1 and tried
> to compile it to a Python file with pyuic6 of PyQt 6.7.0.
> Unfortunately that fails. It seems that pyuic6 cannot handle the way
> enums are written to the .ui file (see attached form file and diff to
> previous version).
> If I manually edit (e.g.)
> <enum>Qt::Orientation::Vertical</enum>
> to read
> <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
> pyuic6 is able to compile the form file again. Unfortunately this is
> kind of a show stopper for me. 😭
> Regards, Detlev

Should be fixed in the next snapshot.


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