QLowEnergyService discoverDetails() silent crash on Windows 11

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu May 23 12:51:39 BST 2024

On 14/05/2024 16:45, Benjamin Griffiths wrote:
> Hi there,
>  The discoverDetails() function call on a QLowEnergyService object
> causes my application to crash on Windows 11, it works fine on Windows
> 10 however.
>  It seems this issue has been around for a few years, and is related
> to PyQt/Qt for Python:
>  (Apologies in advance if this issue has already been raised on this
> mailing list)
> https://forum.qt.io/topic/146796/qtbluetooth-crashes-at-discoverdetails-on-win11
>  https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-109510
>  I have attached a minimal reproducable example that displays a list
> of discovered BLE devices. Click on a device and then click connect.
> When the device is connected and a service is discovered, the
> discoverDetails() function call on line 78 causes the crash.
>  Any support would be greatly appreciated.
>  Many thanks,
>  Ben

Again, the comments in those bug reports suggest a Qt/Windows 11 bug.


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