Qt 6.7.1 wheels?

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed May 29 09:07:05 BST 2024

> On 28/05/2024 14:12, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> >> On 28/05/2024 13:22, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> >> > Hey,
> >> >
> >> > Qt 6.7.1 has been released a week ago:
> >> > https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-6.7.1-released
> >> >
> >> > So far there are no updated PyQt wheels on PyPI, though at least on
> >> > Linux I was able to easily update the existing wheels via pyqt-bundle.
> >> >
> >> > Is it planned to upload updated -Qt6 wheels as usual?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > Florian
> >> 
> >> Yes. I was waiting to see if PyPI was going to change the file limits 
> >> so
> >> that I could upload the PyQt6-WebEngine-Qt6 wheel for Intel macOS, but 
> >> I
> >> suspect I will be waiting a long time.
> > 
> > Yeah, unfortunately the PyPI support is quite overloaded...
> > 
> > Thankfully the PSF hired someone to fix that problem, so hopefully at
> > some point this will change:
> > https://blog.pypi.org/posts/2024-03-20-announcing-a-pypi-support-specialist/
> > 
> >> In the meantime I'm seeing if splitting that wheel over 2 wheels will
> >> work around the problem.
> > 
> > At least for me, having it on the Riverbank PyPI server is a perfectly
> > fine workaround. I dropped a:
> > 
> >     --extra-index-url https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pypi/simple/
> > 
> > into my requirements.txt for now, and that was it.
> > 
> > Florian
> I've just replaced the wheel with two smaller ones. Can you test this 
> before I upload them to PyPI?
> I don't think you need to change anything - the sub-wheel should be 
> installed automatically.

Indeed. My nightly builds already picked it up and it seems to run fine,
and the automated tests also pass against it. So that seems like a
viable workaround until the PyPI situation improves.

Thank you!

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