[QScintilla] Overriding dropEvent

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Dec 7 19:09:38 GMT 2007

On Friday 07 December 2007, Baz Walter wrote:
> Phil Thompson wrote:
> > On Friday 07 December 2007, Baz Walter wrote:
> >> Hello
> >>
> >> I'm trying to implement a feature found in SciTE which converts line
> >> endings when the user imports text from the clipboard or via drag and
> >> drop. I've implemented standard paste and selection paste (middle button
> >> click) without any problems, but drag and drop has got me completely
> >> stuck.
> >>
> >> The problem is, is that I am using the python bindings and have no way
> >> to access Scintilla's Editor.DropAt within my dropEvent handler. I also
> >> can't think of a way to patch QScintilla to make this possible. All I
> >> really want to do is modify the dropped text before it gets handed to
> >> Scintilla.
> >>
> >> Any ideas how I can make progress with this?
> >
> > I must be missing something, but why not create a new QDropEvent in your
> > reimplementation of dropEvent() that contains the modified text and pass
> > it to QsciScintillaBase::dropEvent()?
> I tried this, but with no success. QDropEvent doesn't seem to be
> designed to used in this way - there's no way to set the text for an
> instance or pass it to the constructor.

You can pass a QMimeData instance in the ctor.

> I suppose this is because the 
> dragged data has to be requested from the source (which could be from
> another application). For similar reasons subclassing/delegation won't
> work either. QDropEvents seem to be pretty complicated under the hood
> because they inherit from both QMimeSource and QEvent. So unless I'm
> also missing something, I can't see how to do it this way.


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