[QScintilla] Qscintilla, python QsciLexer

Dave Fancella dave at davefancella.com
Mon Jun 25 09:08:50 BST 2007

On Monday 25 June 2007 3:03 am, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Monday 25 June 2007 5:27 am, Dave Fancella wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > Is it possible to implement a new QsciLexer in python?
> Yes - but I suspect you are asking the wrong question. QsciLexer is a
> wrapper around the configuration of a Scintilla lexer - it is not the lexer
> itself. If your question is really "can I write a new Scintilla lexer in
> Python", then the answer is no.

Ah, right.  I was asking the first question, not the second.  :)  I already 
saw in the QScintilla docs the answer to the second.  I'm needing an xml 
syntax highlighter and some other things, and am weighing QSyntaxHighlighter 
vs QScintilla, and really wanting QScintilla.



> Phil
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