[QScintilla] Row Col Problem

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Sat Feb 9 22:30:11 GMT 2008

On Saturday 09 February 2008, Patrick Mabie wrote:
> Hi Phil and all!
> Using: Visual Studio 2008,QScintilla-gpl-2-snapshot-20080120,Qt 4.3.3
> //Connection to this Signal
> void QsciScintilla::cursorPositionChanged (int line, int pos) [signal]
> connect(CurrentEditor(),SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged
> (int,in)),this,SLOT(UpdateRowCol(int,int)))
> void MainWindow::processEvents()
> {
>     qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents);
> }
> void MainWindow::UpdateRowCol(int line,int pos)
> {
>     QString RowCol;
>     RowCol = QString(tr("Row%1 Col %2).arg(line).arg(pos));
>     statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Row      Col      "));
>     statusBar()->showMessage(RowCol);
>     processEvents();
> }
> I couldn't belive the lag that was involved with this , if you didn't
> let off the key it didn't update , I am not saying this is a bug or a
> problem , I just was wonder if you or anyone how come across this?

How can anybody tell? You need to provide a complete example if you want 
anybody to reproduce the problem.

What's the point of two consecutive calls to showMessage()? Why do you need to 
call processEvents()?


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