[QScintilla] Next Release of QScintilla

Baz Walter bazwal at ftml.net
Mon Feb 11 19:07:31 GMT 2008

Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Monday 11 February 2008, Rex Dieter wrote:
>> Phil Thompson wrote:
>>> On Monday 11 February 2008, Rex Dieter wrote:
>>>> Phil Thompson wrote:
>>>>> The current QScintilla snapshot will be released as v2.2 in the next
>>>>> few days. Let me know if there is anything you think still needs
>>>>> fixing.
>>>> qt3/qt4 bindings using the same soname is still an unresolved issue,
>>>> imo:
>>>> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/qscintilla/2007-December/000
>>>> 216 .html
>>> As I said at the time, stick them in different directories.
>> And I said that's not a solution (packaging-wise in particular).
>> Question: does anyone have both installed, and do they both work as-is?
>>   (If so, I'd be pleasantly surprised).
> Yes and yes.

Yes and no.

As I'm sure many others have done, I have written a bash script that 
builds all the various components needed for pyqt/qscintilla. The script 
has just evolved through trial and error over several years, so that it 
will work reliably (with the occasional tweak) on my particular system 
(Mandriva Linux).

If I want to install multiple versions/snapshots, I have found that it 
is necessary /on my system/ to build the libraries with different names. 
I have certainly /tried/ putting things in different directories - but I 
have never found a way to make this work. (The designer plugins seem 
particularly sensitive to this issue).

If there is a way to achieve a reliable side-by-side install *out of the 
box* I would certainly be interested to know how to do it. In which 
case, maybe all that's needed here is some additional documentation.


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