[QScintilla] Re: QScintilla Digest, Vol 22, Issue 7

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Jun 12 12:35:11 BST 2008

On Thursday 12 June 2008 12:18:18 pm Giuliano Nascimento wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> UTF8 really work's fine!
> But, Latin1 is more compatible with many legacy code...
> I can work on UTF8 and save the file as Latin1 (ISO-8859-1)?

How you save the file is up to you.

> Other sugestions?
> You can send me a full code that explains QScintilla use?
> The examples are so simple and the documentation don't explain many
> resources, methods, properties...
> Remember that I'am newbie on Qt...

Sorry, the only documentation is what's available in the source package.


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