[QScintilla] problem with pascal lexer implementation in QsciScintillaBase

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Jun 26 22:19:50 BST 2008

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 22:32:17 +0200, juju coucou <coucou_dj at hotmail.com>
> Hello,
>  I work on a GNU project to program a developping environement for pascal
> language (using Qt) for french people. I have a problem with
> of pascal lexer with QsciScintillaBase class. I am using this code :
> this->SendScintilla((unsigned
> int)QsciScintillaBase::SCI_SETLEXER,(unsigned
> long)QsciScintillaBase::SCLEX_PASCAL,(long)0);
> But when I try scintilla widget there is no coloration, everything is
> black and I don't understand why. 
> Could you help me please.

You need to define the different colours and fonts to be used by each of
the styles defined by the lexer. This is normally done though a QsciLexer
subclass, but I haven't implemented one for the Pascal lexer yet. I'll add
it to the TODO list for the next version.


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